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This template was created for simplifying larger scale gallery creation.

A typical galllery for a page used to look like this:

File:Penance.png|link=Penance|1. [[Penance]]
File:Balance.png|link=Balance|2. [[Balance]]
File:Vigor.png|link=Vigor|3. [[Vigor]]

However since all three arguments are just repeated three times with different wiki formatting surrounding it, a template (which became a lua module) was created to simplify.

In order to get the same result using the template simply use the Gallery Template:


There is additional arguments that can be included to allow for more configurability:

gif=1 - this will make all of the file extentions gifs instead of pngs
nocount=1 - this will make no number display in front of the link under the image
noimagelink=1 - this removes the link from the text under the image as well as from the image itself
dynamic=1 - this allows for specifying the file type as every second arguement

Examples are displayed below:


This final example is to show that multiple tags can be specified for a single gallery:

|Nikko spar|gif