Maxwell Hannaman

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Maxwell Hannaman


Co-founded an indie studio. I helped create a card game called Solitaire Ultra and a currently-unreleased game under the working title "Project Helium" (Now "Undermine"). As it was a very small studio my responsibilities ranged from programming to financial tracking to game art and more.[...]
~ Description on linkedin[1]

Maxwell Hannaman is the co-founder of Thorium Entertainment. He worked there from March 2015 to October 2015.


  • Unity[2]
  • Unreal Engine Developement Kit[2]
  • Adobe Flash[2]
  • Adobe Photoshop[2]
  • Adobe Premiere Pro[2]
  • Adobe Audition[2]

Games he worked on

Pulse (written in Unity)[3]
A first-person suspense survival game in which you play as a blind girl named Eva. Whenever Eva hears a sound, she uses a process similar to echolocation in order to create a mental reconstruction of the world around her. This is visualized for the player on the screen.
Fang Shui (written in Adobe Flash)[3]
Fang Shui is an sidescrolling platformer built in his second term at Vancouver Film School.
Velocity (written in Unreal Engine Developement Kit)[3]
Velocity is a game prototype for his Level Design 2 class at Vancouver Film School. This project was about making an interesting single player experience as well as implementing and learning UDK's visual scripting language - Kismet. Instead of doing another typical UDK map using the default UDK weapons and gameplay structure, he went a little crazy with kismet and made prototype for a simple run-forever platformer game.
DM - Serenity Tower (written in Unreal Engine Developement Kit)[3]
CTF Serenity Tower is a capture-the-flag (CTF) map for his Level Design 2 class at Vancouver Film School. This was a joint project between himself as the level designer and his classmate Michael Cooper as the environmental artist.


Thorium Entertainment