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/* CSS placed here will affect users of the Vector skin */

/* Background image [[File:Background Goldmine.png]] */
body {
	background: url( top center / cover no-repeat fixed;
	background-color: #1f0c19;

/* Background from physical copy manual */
.mw-body {
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@media screen and (max-width:720px) {
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/* main content, sidebar and toc border */
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ul {
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/* remove white default background */
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/* reposition logo */
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/* resize logo */
#p-logo a {
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/* top navigation offset */
#right-navigation {
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/* page header */
h1.firstHeading {
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/* font */
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.mw-body h2 {
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/* text color */
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6,
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.codeEditor-status-worker-cell {
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/* h2 elements */
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.mw-highlight {
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/* background for category footer */
#catlinks {
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/* toc header */
.toc {
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.toc .toctitle {
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.toc .toctogglespan::before {
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.toc .toctogglecheckbox:checked+.toctitle .toctogglelabel:after {
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.toc ul {
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.toc .tocnumber {
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/* wikitable and cargoTable main */
.wikitable {
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/* wikitable and cargoTable header */
.mw_metadata > * > tr > th,
.mw-datatable > tr > th,
.mw-datatable > * > tr > th,
.mw-json > tr > th,
.mw-json > * > tr > th,
.cargoTable > tr > th,
.cargoTable > * > tr > th,
.wikitable > tr > th,
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/* wikitable and cargoTable data */
.mw_metadata > * > tr > td,
.mw-datatable > tr > td,
.mw-datatable > * > tr > td,
.mw-json > tr > td,
.mw-json > * > tr > td,
.cargoTable > tr > td,
.cargoTable > * > tr > td,
.wikitable > tr > td,
.wikitable > * > tr > td {
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.mw-datatable > * > tr:hover > td,
#mw-content-text table.cargoTable tr,
.mw_metadata td,
.mw-datatable td {
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.cargo-tablelist > tr:hover > td,
.cargo-tablelist > * > tr:hover > td,
.cargoTable > tr:hover > td,
.cargoTable > * > tr:hover > td,
.mw-datatable > tr:hover > td,
.mw-datatable > * > tr:hover > td,
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.theme-dark .cargo-tablelist .oo-ui-iconWidget {
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/* JSON table data  */
.mw-json .mw-json-empty {
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.mw-json .mw-json-single-value,
.mw-json .mw-json-value {
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/* gallery */
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.gallery .gallerybox .thumb {
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/* sidebar first container */
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/* sidebar spacing */
#mw-panel .portal + .portal {
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/* sidebar background */
#mw-panel .portal {
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/* sidebar header */
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.portal:not(.collapsed) .vector-menu-heading {
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.vector-menu-portal .vector-menu-heading {
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/* sidebar content */
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#mw-panel .portal .body li a:visited {
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/* top navigation */
.vectorTabs li,
.vectorTabs li.selected,
.vectorTabs li span,
.vectorTabs ul,
#mw-head .vectorMenu #p-cactions-label {
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#mw-head .vectorTabs li:not(.new) a,
#mw-head .vectorTabs li.selected a,
#mw-head .vectorMenu #p-cactions-label span {
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#p-cactions-label span:after {
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.vector-menu-tabs a,
#mw-head .vector-menu-dropdown .vector-menu-heading {
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/* top navigation "more" dropdown */
#right-navigation .vectorMenu .menu {
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#right-navigation .vectorMenu .menu a {
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#right-navigation .vector-menu-dropdown .vector-menu-content {
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.vector-menu-dropdown .vector-menu-heading:after {
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/* Link color */
.content-body a,
.content-body a.external,
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.content-body {
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} {
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} {
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/* hide legacy footer */
#footer-places {
	display: none;

/* footer */
#footer {
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	margin-bottom: 1rem;
	margin-right: 1rem;
#footer-info a {
	color: var(--theme-link-color);
#footer ul li {
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/* version history diff */
.diff td.diff-context {
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	border-color: var(--theme-border-color);
	color: var(--theme-text-color);
.diff td.diff-addedline {
	background-color: var(--theme-background-color);
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.diff td.diff-addedline .diffchange {
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	color: #fff;
.diff td.diff-deletedline {
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.diff td.diff-deletedline .diffchange {
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#pagehistory li {
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#pagehistory li.selected {
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/* system notice boxes */
#mw-content-text .mw-warning,
#mw-content-text .mw-warning-with-logexcerpt,
#mw-content-text .errorbox,
#mw-content-text .successbox,
#mw-content-text .warningbox {
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#mw-content-text .mw-warning-with-logexcerpt,
#mw-content-text .errorbox {
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#mw-content-text .mw-warning,
#mw-content-text .warningbox {
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#mw-content-text .successbox {
	background-color: rgba(0, 128, 0, 0.15);
	border-color: #008000;

/* Copyright CC-BY-NC-SA icon */
/* Copied from Terraria wiki */
	/* self */
	padding: 12px;
	box-sizing: border-box;
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#footer #footer-info-lastmod{
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#footer #footer-info-copyright{
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	place-self: end stretch;
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	padding-right: 100px;
#footer-info-copyright img{
	position: absolute;
	right: 0;
	/* mediawiki logo is 31px height, and this image has a 1px black border, 
	   a small tweak to make them visually matched on size and position */
	bottom: -1px;
	height: 33px;
	width: auto;

/* Special:Preferences */
#preferences .oo-ui-tabOptionWidget {
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#preferences .oo-ui-tabSelectWidget {
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#preferences .oo-ui-tabSelectWidget .oo-ui-optionWidget-selected {
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	height: 30px;
#preferences .oo-ui-tabSelectWidget .oo-ui-optionWidget-selected:hover {
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#preferences .oo-ui-tabSelectWidget .oo-ui-optionWidget-selected .oo-ui-labelElement-label {
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#preferences .oo-ui-tabSelectWidget .oo-ui-labelElement-label {
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#preferences .oo-ui-panelLayout-framed {
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/* Special:Interwiki */
#mw-content-text .mw-interwikitable .mw-interwikitable-local-yes {
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/* Special:Search */
#searchInput {
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#mw-searchoptions {
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.search-types .current a {
	color: var(--theme-text-color);

/* sticky table header */
.wikitable tr .sticky {
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	top: 34px;
.wikitable tr:nth-child(2) .sticky {
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/* Special:CreateAccount */
#bodyContent .mw-number-text,
#bodyContent .mw-number-text h3 {
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.mw-body .mw-ui-container h2 {
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/* Special:BotPasswords */
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.mw-htmlform-ooui .mw-htmlform-matrix tbody tr:hover td {
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.oo-ui-popupWidget-anchored-top .oo-ui-popupWidget-anchor:before {
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/* temporary fixes */
table {
	display: table;
	white-space: inherit;
/*ul {
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.theme-light ul {
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.mw-changeslist-legend {
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.mw-rcfilters-ui-filterTagMultiselectWidget-views-select {
	background: #ffffff;

/* Theme toggler */
#theme-switcher {
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	appearance: none;
	width: 16px;
	height: 16px;
	background: var(--theme-toggle-icon) center center;
	background-size: var(--theme-toggle-icon-size);

/* references */
ol.references li:target { /* 1. ↑ Test */
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	border-radius: 0.2em;
sup.reference:target { /* [1] */
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/* code */
code {
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	border: 1px solid var(--theme-border-color);
	color: var(--theme-text-color);

/* MW message boxes */
.theme-dark .mw-message-box {
	color: white;
	background-color: #222;
	border-color: #666;
.theme-dark {
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	border-color: #660;
.theme-dark {
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	border-color: #600;
.theme-dark {
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/* other */
hr {
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	overflow: hidden;
fieldset {
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.allpagesredirect:after {
	content: ' (Redirect)';
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.theme-dark #mw-indicator-mw-helplink a {
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.theme-dark #mw-indicator-mw-helplink a:hover {
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