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/* CSS placed here will be applied to all skins */

/** TOC
 1. theme variables
 2. Template:Ambox
 3. Template:Dialog
 4. Template:Doc
 5. Template:History
 6. Module:Infobox
 7. Template:Key
 8. Template:SimpleNavbox
 9. Template:Shortcut
 10. Template:Table choice
 11. Community Portal
 12. Discord
 13. JS Link
 14. TOC
 15. Main page
 16. Other

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/* theme variables */
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	/* Other */
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/* [[Template:Ambox]] */
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.ambox + .ambox {
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/* [[Template:Dialog]] */
/* [[File:Dialog name.png]] */
/* [[File:Button regular.png]] */
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.dialog .dialog-button-yes {
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.dialog .dialog-button-no {
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/* [[Template:Doc]] */
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/* [[Template:FPbox]] */
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/* [[Template:History]] */
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html.theme-dark .history ul li + li {
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/* [[Module:Infobox]] */
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.infobox .infobox-footer {
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/* Currency icons */
/* [[File:Minor Curse.png]] */
.infobox td.minor-curse > p { color: #C785E6 }
.infobox td.minor-curse > p::before { background-image: url( }

/* [[File:Major Curse.png]] */
.infobox td.major-curse > p { color: #C785E6 }
.infobox td.major-curse > p::before { background-image: url( }

/* [[File:Blessing.png]] */
.infobox td.blessing > p { color: #EBC68D }
.infobox td.blessing > p::before { background-image: url( }

/* [[File:Heart.png]] */
.infobox > p { color: #991D1E }
.infobox > p::before { background-image: url( }

.infobox td.nether { color: #AEECE1 }

/* [[File:Thorium1.png]] */
.infobox td.craft-cost > p { color: #C785E6 }
.infobox td.craft-cost > p::before { background-image: url( }

/* [[File:Gold10.png]] */
.infobox > p { color: #FFB400 }
.infobox > p::before { background-image: url( }

.infobox > p::before,
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.infobox td.major-curse > p::before,
.infobox td.minor-curse > p::before,
.infobox > p::before,
.infobox td.craft-cost > p::before {
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.infobox td.major-curse,
.infobox td.minor-curse,
.infobox td.craft-cost {
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/* Item rarity */
.infobox .rarity-legendary {
	color: #CD0E20;
	font-weight: bold;
.infobox .rarity-rare {
	color: #CD770E;
	font-weight: bold;

/* Item types (m_slot) */
.infobox .type-curse, /* Curse */
.infobox .type-minor-curse { /* Minor Curse */
	color: #E087B9;
.infobox .type-hex { /* Hex */
	color: #B495F3;
.infobox .type-blessing { /* Blessing */
	color: #DABC7C;
.infobox .type-bomb, /* Unique Bomb Relic */
.infobox .type-boots, /* Unique Boots Relic */
.infobox .type-gloves, /* Unique Throw Relic */
.infobox .type-hat, /* Hat */
.infobox .type-weapon { /* Unique Swing Relic */
	color: #DF4949;
.infobox .type-artifact, /* Artifact */
.infobox .type-food, /* Food */
.infobox .type-item, /* Basic Item */
.infobox .type-potion, /* Potion */
.infobox .type-prayer, /* Prayer */
.infobox .type-relic, /* Relic */
.infobox .type-upgrade { /* Upgrade */
	color: #A38662;

/* [[Template:Key]] */
.key {
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/* [[Template:SimpleNavbox]] */
/* [[File:Border-normal.png]] */
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html.theme-dark .simplenavbox {
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/* Horizontal list */
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.simplenavbox td li li li {
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/* [[Template:Shortcut]] */
.shortcut {
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/* [[Template:Table choice]] */
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html.theme-dark .tc-yes { background: #29542c; }

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html.theme-dark .tc-always { background: #3b533c; }

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html.theme-dark .tc-no { background: #592c2c; }

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html.theme-dark .tc-never { background: #533b3b; }

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html.theme-dark .tc-rarely { background: #594f1e; }

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html.theme-dark .tc-neutral { background: #5b573f; }

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html.theme-dark .tc-partial { background: #3e3d31; }

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html.theme-dark .tc-planned { background: #242f2e; }

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html.theme-dark .tc-unknown { background: #364148; }

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html.theme-dark .tc-default { background: #373737; color: inherit; }

.tc-hyphen { background: #ffc7ce; }
html.theme-dark .tc-hyphen { background: #352929; }

/* [[Project:Community portal]] */
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	flex-wrap: wrap

.cpbox #admins {
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html.theme-light .feature {
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html.theme-dark .feature {
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/* Discord */
div.discordbutton a[href=""] {
	background: url( no-repeat;
	color: transparent !important;
	display: inline-block;
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	width: 90%;
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div.discordbutton {

/* JS Link */
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/* invert images */
html.theme-light .invert-light,
html.theme-dark .invert-dark {
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.theme-light .fp-section .fp-platform img,
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.theme-light img[src*="Discord_logo.svg"] {
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/* Main page */
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/* Main page sections */
/* [[File:Border-menu.png]] */
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/* Main page section title */
/* [[File:Dialog name.png]] */
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/* Main page buttons */
/* [[File:Button regular.png]] */
/* [[File:Button gold.png]] */
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/* Other */
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/* Test */
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