Селт, Королева песка

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Селт, Королева песка is a boss in UnderMine at The Goldmines last floor. Drops Selt's Fragment.pngSelt's Fragment after first time beating this boss. Defeating Selt is one of the two ways to enter the Delvemore Dungeon. Selt is responsible for causing the earthquakes in the The Goldmines and The Hub. Selt's main way of damaging the player is via her larva or charging attacks.

Патерны атаки

  1. Selt will slither around the arena, and after stopping, will shoot out multiple eggs from which Larva will spawn. The eggs can be destroyed before the Larva spawns.
  2. Selt will chase her own tail while making trails of rocks which can hit the player. In this phase it is best to focus on avoiding all attacks by standing far away or jumping over these trails of rocks.
  3. Selt will go underground while a target follows the player. Selt will also spawn some eggs which can be destroyed. In this phase it is best to go to the opposite side of the arena and wait. After a while a ring of rocks will appear around the player, the ring can be destroyed by swinging or jumped out of. Destroy the rocks and jump away from Selt who is charging towards the player. You can also jump as she charges towards you, as Selt will destroy the rocks, and you can still avoid damage, but it is risky, so you should use this strategy only in emergencies, or if you are extremely cursed with Arthritis which can leave you paralyzed after swinging.

It is possible to counter attack 3 by placing a bomb a front of Selt while she is charging at you, dealing your bomb's damage in the process.


  • After the fight has ended, Selt's tail will start to dissapear until it reaches her head. After that, the final death cutscene will play. It is possible to die while Selt's body is disapearing if you get hit by her larva.
  • Selt will drop the Selt's Egg.pngSelt's Egg blueprint and the Selt's Blood.pngSelt's Blood scroll alongside some gold on the floor and Selt's Fragment the first time she is defeated.
  • Selt will also drop the Dungeon Key. After using the key in the room with Toadvine and Bathcat the door will open and the player can access the Delvemore Dungeon.

Связаные достижения

Ach selt.png Идите не в ритм
Вы победили Селт, Королеву песка
Ach selt hardmode.png Укротитель червей
Вы победили Селт, Королеву песка, пока действовало Кредо изгоя
Ach all bosses.png Королевская поступь
Победите Селт, МортираМортиру, Нури, Понзу, и Провидца одним селянином


Смотрите также

  • Мортира, заряженный голем
  • Нури, Призрак тьмы
  • Понзу, собрание чешуек