Золотой окорок

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Golden Ham.pngЗолотой окорок — это предмет в UnderMine. It is considered both food and gold, meaning that it can be stolen by Pilfers and picked up by the Canary or the Pilfer Ring. It heals half as much as the Ham Shank.pngHam Shank or exactly as much if the player has the Golden Delicious.pngGolden Delicious.



  • Conductor.pngПроводник: Shocks an enemy when picked up.
  • Gold Frenzy.pngЗолотая Лихорадка: Contributes to temporarily increasing damage.
  • Gold Tooth.pngЗолотой Зуб: Heals an extra 1 HP.
  • Golden Popcorn.pngЗолотой попкорн: Has a chance to duplicate when it hits the ground. Probability is stacked with Seasoned Popcorn.pngSeasoned Popcorn.
  • Pilfer Ring.pngPilfer Ring: Can be picked up from a distance.
  • Seasoned Popcorn.pngSeasoned Popcorn: Has a chance to duplicate when it hits the ground. Probability is stacked with Golden Popcorn.pngGolden Popcorn.
  • Shaker upgrades: Increases amount of HP healed.
  • Unstable Concoction.pngUnstable Concoction: Causes a small explosion around it when it hits the ground.
  • Wealth.pngБогатство: Increases its gold value when picked up.


  • Pocket Grill.pngКарманный Гриль: Не приготавливает пищу, что делает его бесполезным.