Momentary Peril

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Article-Momentary Peril.png

Momentary Peril
Momentary Peril.png

Major Curse

Index No.





Temporarily sets health to one
Spawned from a cursed object. This peril will fade, one way or another.


Item: c018be94e7ec43c99bafd374f5bd4687
Effect: 0037ed70f57f4ba299f159bfe7be1b43

Momentary Peril.pngMomentary Peril is a major curse item in UnderMine.

This curse is obtained by interacting with an Orb04.pngorb found in the first room of a floor. The curse will set you to 1 HP and shows a number at the bottom. This number indicates the number of rooms that must be entered to remove the curse. Each room entered will lower the number by one and after the number goes to zero the curse will be removed yielding a free random relic.

This curses is unique in the sense that it is the only curse with a "Hex border" during normal gameplay, i.e. the curse cannot be removed by normal means such as

The 1 HP does not remove armor points or effects like nullstone, similar to the Hex Adventurer's Peril.pngAdventurer's Peril so it doesn't necessarily require the player to not get hit at all.

The conditions for the orb to appear are not currently known, but it seems to be a chance to appear in a given run.


VersionAdditions and Changes
  • Added Momentary Peril.
  • You may find a mysterious orb in a start room. Interacting with this orb will give you a temporary curse called Momentary Peril. It sets your health to 1, and gives you a certain number of rooms to clear. If you can clear the rooms the curse will be removed and you’ll be rewarded for your efforts.